I finished the socks for my grandparents. They ended up being an Easter gift instead of xmas! lol
Both patterns were from Favorite Socks, a lovely sock book. G & G were thrilled!
And I achieved something huge yesterday:
I finished my sweater.
If you go back to my very first post last April, you'll see it when it was only a bit of ribbing. Aw those were the days ;) It has grown up into a very very thick, warm sweater. Maybe if, heaven forbid, winter sticks around a wee bit longer I'll be able to wear it and not sweat to death!! I love it anyway and I know it will keep me warm when those -40 days hit again next year.
A momentous thing happened as a result of this sweater. My hubby, upon seeing my completed sweater asked me if I would would make him a sweater. To put this into context, every time I've asked him if I can make him one, he gets this disgusted look on his face and says "No that's ok", like he's envisioning the ugliest sweater imaginable, in his least favourite colour. My sweater must have really impressed him!! Little did he know he's got me started down that treacherous trail that leads to feeding my addiction with more knitting... I'm thinking maybe a Cobblestone Pullover would look nice on him :) Now what yarn shall I choose.... hmmm
But first things first ...
Yesterday evening a new little bundle of yarn was born (I won't bore you with photos of its innocent little ribbing). It's called the Central Park Hoodie in Lion Brand Cotton-Ease. I know, I'm insane for starting another sweater... maybe I'll finish this one before winter... one can always dream right? :)
For the love of God! Don't knit him a sweater! Curses! Bad! Very Dangerous. Maybe he would like a nice pair of socks instead?
I checked out the sweater you might be thinking of for Chris and I think it looks great!! The Central Park Hoodie also looks good. I might just have to dive in a make a sweater one of these days (don't quote me on this, at my knitting rate it would be done in about 5 years... lol)
Also I love, love, love the socks that you made your G & G!!! This may be something I could actually do. If I start now I might have one pair of socks for Christmas!!! We'll see. See you Saturday.
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