Friday, January 9, 2009

A little off topic...

...but still connected!

I recently saw this really awesome video clip about North American materialism. It's called the Story of Stuff. It's quite eye-opening and you should all watch it! (It's not even preachy, just straight up facts.)

How is this linked to knitting? It's part of my world view. I'd rather make something from scratch than go to Evil-Mart and buy a cheapo sweater that will wear out quickly and was probably made in a sweat shop in the philipines. I also get a lot more joy from buying yarn that was grown and produced by a local farm/mill, or at least fairly traded, than when I buy imported stuff. (I love Sheeples and Wolseley Wardrobe!!)

The above video just affirms to me why doing those things is good! I'd love to hear what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that link. I completely agree- I go out of my way to avoid the big box stores and we grow alot of our food or buy it directly from our farmer neighbors.