Monday, March 29, 2010

Socks... almost

When I got my first spindle a few months ago, one thought jumped into my head and I had to try it.

I wanted to make a 3-ply sock yarn.

From what I read, you need a number of things to make a good sock yarn. First, thin singles with LOTS of twist.

Some folks say that this is best achieved on top whorl spindle. But I like to do things my own way, so I used my Turkish Delight (the middle size of my three turkish spindles). I made sure to add extra twist.

Next it's good to use a durable fibre. Cashmere, silk, etc will wear out really quickly. I chose Falkland wool, which is a longwool (I think...) and when I felt it, it seemed really sturdy.

Lastly, lots of twist when plying. That's where I'm at now. :) I'm using my "comets" top whorl for that. It spins fast and long and I love plying on it. I think the plied yarn is looking really good and it looks like it's the about sock-yarn weight!!! (somewhere between fingering and sport)

The only thing left after I ply is to knit a pair of socks... I think I even know someone who would thoroughly enjoy a pair of handspun GREEN socks. (The yarn is actually greener than the photo would have you believe.) If only I could remember her shoe size...

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