Monday, May 11, 2009

The answer is NO

I've learned a little something about myself as a knitter. I'm not a monogamous knitter. I can't handle working on one project only. There is a very good reason for this. I like to complicated things (like lace, cables etc) but sometimes I crave a plain sock.

You know those days when you are just not with it? And the thought of doing something complex makes your brain hurt? On those days it's not a good idea to knit lace, you end up making mistakes and it goes slowly. Then there is car knitting. I discovered yesterday that knitting lace in the backseat of a stuffy car when you are a bit tired is NOT a good idea. I'm so glad my friend Esther had a dish cloth that I could knit on instead! Next time I'll bring a sock!

(as an aside we went to the narcisse snake dens :) as the snakes come out of hibernation, they form what's called mating balls. Looks kind of like tangled yarn doesn't it?)

So this is why I'm not going to finish my shawl in time... Maybe I'll have it done in time for my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary in August...

1 comment:

AllisonElizabeth said...

I also tend to have multiple projects on the go - one with a lot of stockinette, and one that's a little more tangy. :) I also like to make sure at least one of them is small enough to fit inside my purse. Like you said, it's always great to have a sock OTN. :)