Monday, September 28, 2009

Spinning the stress away...

Despite the fact that I'm in school, I'm still really excited about my fibre hobby. When I mentionned to my dad that I'd like to learn how to spin, he said he might be able to hook me up with a wheel. Well he did. :) A friend of his didn't want her wheel anymore and is GIVING it to me! (Thanks Carol!!!) She was even kind enough to to include some black wool :)

I'm can't wait to dive deep into the fibre world. :)

I'm also ordering a spindle from woolly designs (the "comets" one pictured here) to gain a feel for the fibre before I learn how to use the wheel, which seems a little more complicated.

I think it will really help me de-stress from my school work which is fairly heavy this term...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow looks like a beautiful machine. Hope you can spin some beautiful yarn on it!
