Monday, February 8, 2010

The Knitting Olympics

So before Ravelry had the Ravelympics (rav link), the Yarn Harlot started the Knitting Olympics, which happens every four years at the same time as the Winter Olympics. Basically you start a project during the opening ceremonies, knit for 16 days and (hopefully) finish before the flame goes out. I didn't sign up in 2006, but I'm signing up this year. I love the simplicity of it.

I have to do something to support team Canada for Vancover 2010!!! I'm going to knit these socks, in alpaca yarn from Manitoba. They have a snowflake on them :) Perfect! And it will be a challenge!

I'll try to post some photo updates. :)


Woll Free and Lovin' Knit said...

Good luck with your socks. I'm doing the Selbu Slalom. Knit On!

Mary Vallis said...

Hi there Alley: I'm a newspaper reporter writing a story about the Knitting Olympics. Would you be up for a short telephone interview today about your participation and your project? You can reach me at

Thanks in advance for considering it!